Bullying in the Schools
Bullying in the Schools Bullying and intimidation are a major social problem in many cultures. Since it is widely considered immature and mean to perpetrate violent or threatening acts, it is not surprising that incidents of bullying are usually found among young people where they gather to socialize. Schools are a hotbed of bullying activity, and many children are victimized. Bullying has two key components: repeated harmful acts and an imbalance of power. It involves repeated physical, verbal, or psychological attacks or intimidation directed against a victim who cannot properly defend him or herself because of size or strength, or because the victim is outnumbered or less psychologically resilient. Bullying includes assault, tripping, intimidation, rumor-spreading and isolation, demands for money, destruction of property, theft of valued possessions, destruction of another’s work, and name-calling. There are different categories of school bullying, and some of the categories overlap. Here are some of the most important categories that are frequently discussed: 1) How Many Bullies • Pack bullying is bullying undertaken by a group. Pack bullying was more prominent in high schools and characteristically lasted longer that bullying undertaken by individuals. Pack bullying may be physical bullying or emotional bullying and be perpetrated in person or in cyberspace. • Individual bullying is one-on-one bullying that may take place either in person or online, as well as being physical bullying or emotional bullying. 2) Mode of School Bullying • Physical bullying is bullying that takes the form of physical abuse, such as pushing, shoving, hitting, fighting, spitting, and tripping. • Emotional bullying is bullying that involves factors other than physical interaction, such as insults, derogatory remarks, name calling, and teasing. 3) Medium of School Bullying • Face-to-face bullying is bullying in
References: 1. http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/Publications/e07063414-guide.pdf - Problem-Oriented Guides for Police. Problem-Specific Guides Series. No. 12. Bullying in Schools. Rana Sampson.
2. http://www.utexas.edu/features/2011/05/09/fitting_in/ - The burden of the bullied
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_bullying - wikipedia