Andrew Darling
BSHS 325
Maria Perrotta
Bullying Report
Bullying at school is the biggest threat that adolescents face. There have been more reports of teenage suicide due to being bullied either at school or in cyberspace. This epidemic needs to be contained and help needs to be given to those who are being bullied and to those doing the bullying. While bullying is something almost everyone has dealt with before in the past, not with online social networks bullying is being brought into the world in a whole new way. Bullying used to be just during school hours, but now with social websites bullying can be done every day at every hour and constantly in your face. This paper will discuss the three types of bullying, how bullying effects self-esteem, how gender and sexual orientation influences bullying, and how family interaction can influence bullying.
Bullying is defined as the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. Bullying is about power, control and abuse. It is a repeated assault that causes mental, physical and emotional harm. Adolescents that bully others pick on those who they see as weak or different. If an adolescent is overweight for example or may even have a disability, they tend to be those who are bullied. Children that are bullied often fall into depression, have anxiety problems, became angry, and even commit suicide. Adolescents that are bullied are more likely to consider suicide then those that were not bullied. There is a difference in bullying among girls and boys. Girl adolescents that bully tend to be more verbally aggressive towards their victim. Girl adolescent mostly use indirect bullying. Whereas boy adolescents that bully are more physically aggressive towards their victim, being more direct with their bullying.
Indirect, Direct, and Cyber-bulling
Indirect bullying is essentially just being verbally abusive. Name calling, talking poorly behind
References: Beran, Tanya; Stewart, Shannon. Teachers ' and Students ' Reports of Physical and Indirect Bullying. (2008) Alberta Journal of Educational Research Peart, Karen. Bullying-Suicide Link Explored in New Study by Researchers at Yale. Yale News (July 16th, 2008) Brighi, Antonella; Guarini, Annalisa; Melotti, Giannino; Galli, Silvia; Genta, Maria Luisa. Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties; (Sept.-Dec 2013)