There are many types of bullying:
Physical Bullying: is being hit, kicked, or tripped
Verbal Bullying is being called names, teased, put downs, and insults
Psychological bullying is being threatened, stalked or manipulated
Social bullying is being ignored, having rumours spread about you, or telling lies about you.
Cyber bullying is, insulting someone in chat rooms, sending cruel or threatening emails, text messages, or spreading rumours using mobile phones.
There are a lot of reasons why some people bully. They may see it as a way of being popular, or making themselves look tough and in charge. Some people bully to get attention, or to make other people afraid of them. Some bullies don't understand how damaging their behaviour is and how it makes the person being bullied feel.
Sometimes it’s hard to work out why bullies pick on some people but one thing is for sure, it’s not the fault of the person who is being picked on. Bullies generally go for people who are different in any way it could be physical, mentally, religion culture or sexuality.
Anyone who seems like an easy target. People who are smaller or younger than the bully. People who are sensitive, who may cry or get upset. Someone who does not have many friends or maybe new.
People say “Bullying is just a stage, a normal part of life.” However, bullying is not a “normal” or socially acceptable behavior. We give bullies power by our acceptance of this behavior.
Bullying is a serious problem in our society today. Victims are not the problem, the bullies are.