social entrepreneurship: what it is, key facets, stakeholders, how it compares to traditional entrepreneurship, how it compares to charity, examples…
There is a popular writer by the name of David Brooks. According to the text book (“Good Reasons pg. 362”). David is from New York and has written articles for Wall Street, New York Times, PBS as well as other books and magazines. David wrote a piece entitled “Sam Spade at Starbucks”. In this article David talks about, what he refers to as social entrepreneurship. Mr. Brooks explains that although it is a good thing to want to do well, help others and change the world, it cannot happen if there is a disregard for politics, because without governing laws and directives, the people or the cause they are fighting to change will perish.…
Gabrielle Roy was a French-Canadian author born and raised in Saint Boniface, Manitoba in 1909; her hometown us now a part of Winnipeg, Manitoba today. Gabrielle started out studying to be a teacher, but ended up settling in Quebec to live as a sketch artist and continue her writing. She had lived in Europe for a little time but had to move back to Canada when World War II started in 1939. She had written novels such as Bonheur occasion (1945), known in English as The Tin Flute, and Alexandre Chenevert (1954). She was married in 1947 to Marcel Carbotte and died at the age of 74 in 1983. In 1985 the film Tramp at the Door was releases, which was dedicated to her and is heard to depict her childhood. She has been honored with many different awards, but she has also been honored in a less traditional way than most authors. On the back of the twenty dollar bill there is a quote by her saying:…
Roy Wilkins was born in St. Louis, Missouri on August 30, 1901. His mother died when he was four years old. Wilkins and his siblings had to relocate to St. Paul, Minnesota to be raised by their aunt and uncle. They lived in a poor community, but although Wilkins was poor, that didn’t stop him from having high aspirations. Wilkins attended and graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in Sociology in 1921. In 1929, he married Aminda "Minnie" Badeau who worked as a social worker. The couple didn't have any children of their own, but raised the children of a woman named Hazel Wilkins-Colton. After graduating from the University of Minnesota, Wilkins worked as a Journalist at The Minnesota Daily and became Editor of The Appeal, an African-American newspaper. After graduation he became the Editor of the Kansas City Call. During the years 1931-1934, Wilkins worked as an assistant for the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) undersecretary Walter Francis White. In 1934, Wilkins succeeded the famous W.E.B Du Bois as Editor of "The Crisis" the official magazine of the NAACP. During the years 1949-1950, he chaired the National Emergency Civil Rights Mobilization, which comprised more than 100 local and national groups. In 1950, Wilkins along with A. Philip Randolph and Arnold Aronson founded the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR). The LCCR has become the premier civil rights coalition, and has coordinated the National Legislative Campaign on behalf of every major civil rights law since 1957. He was known as an eloquent spokesperson for the civil rights movement. One of his first duties was to provide support to civil rights activists in Mississippi who were being subjected to a "credit squeeze" by members of the White Citizens Councils. Wilkins participated in the March on Washington in 1963, the Selma to Montgomery marches 1965, and the March Against Fear in 1966. He believed in accomplishing improvement by…
Bornstein’s main argument in this chapter is that motivation is intrinsic for success in social entrepreneurship. A person must be willing to constantly improve their ideas and must be humble enough to step back and let others take credit when needed. The strengths of Bornstein’s ideas are that since he has done so much research in writing his book, there are many examples of each of his points, showing that these points are applicable to the real world. However one major weakness of this chapter is that Bornstein does not provide the young reader with the ways to begin to exhibit his six qualities. Furthermore, Bornstein does not take into account how difficult abiding by his six points might be for some, if it does not come easily to not take credit or to self-correct a mistake. Overall, however, Bornstein is effective in explaining why successful social entrepreneurs are successful and in giving future social entrepreneurs the means by which they can achieve their goals and make their ideas a…
According to Arthur C. Brooks, “social entrepreneurship addresses social problems or needs that are unmet by private markets or government.” Non-violence is Martin Luther King’s innovative solutions to the critical problem of inequality among races in America. This problem was not only unmet but also suppressed by the current government.…
Today, social business people are working in numerous nations to make streets for autonomy and open door for the individuals who generally would be bolted into lives without trust. They extend from Jim Fruchterman of Benetech, who utilizes innovation to address squeezing social issues, for example, the reporting of human rights infringement, to John Wood of Space to Peruse, who helps underprivileged youngsters pick up control of their lives through education. They incorporate Marie Teresa Leal, whose sewing agreeable in Brazil regards nature and reasonable work hones, and Inderjit Khurana, who shows destitute kids in India at the train stations where they ask from travelers.…
A business entrepreneur sells products or services to make a profit and a social entrepreneur starts a business or organization that is meant to improve society in some way.…
Roy Rogers Restaurants is a fast-food franchise business owned by the Marriott Corporation. In the case, Roy Rogers was pursuing a strategy of aggressive growth through the licensing of independent franchises to operate its restaurant outlets. The Roy Rogers Restaurant system had a strategic mission that emphasized hamburger and chicken products, a family orientation, and a high price/high value perception.…
Burrhus Frederic Skinner was born March 20th, 1904 in small town named Susquehanna located in central Pennsylvania. Son of a lawyer and educated housewife, Skinner was always encouraged to do well in school. He rather enjoyed his studies and eventually attended Hamilton College in upstate New York. Burrhus Skinner chose not to attend school football games or parties. He found solace in writing for the school paper and faculty until he graduated with a BA English. Skinner used his degree to seek out employment for a newspaper in which he wrote columns on labor issues. Unsatisfied with his occupation, Skinner decided to go back to college in 1925, this time the school would be Harvard. After 5 years of studies, Burrhus achieved his masters in psychology; a year later he received…
Carl Rogers is best known for his contributions to therapy. Dr. Rogers felt that clients look to therapists for guidance, and will find it even when the therapist is not trying to guide. Carl Rogers' theory on guidance was focused on a person's "true self". Dr. Rogers said that in order for people to know their true selves, they had to focus on their self-concept. This consisted of a set of beliefs about behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that could be more or less conflicting with the person's real behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. A person whose self-concept was drastically different from their true self would constantly run into situations in which their behavior surprised or upset them. Rogers said that self-concept was influenced by society. Society disapproves of a wide range of behaviors, and many people choose to ignore those behaviors inside themselves. Rogers would listen non-judgmentally to the patient's statements and would reflect back so that the patient would accept his or her true self. He named his therapy, client-centered therapy. He felt that the client was the one who should say what is wrong, find the way to improve, and determine the conclusion of the therapy.…
There are numerous personality theories one could choose from in pursuit of an explanation on human behavior. Some theories focus on stages of development, complete unconscious control, or the concept that personality is governed by a pre-disposition directly related to genetic tendencies. Carl Rogers, however, focused his theory, the Person-Centered Theory, on the basis that individuals are self-actualizing and learn and develop in response to current circumstances. According to Hergenhahn and Olson (2007), “Rogers postulated one master motive that he called self-actualization, the organism has one basic tendency and striving—to actualize, maintain, and enhance the experiencing organism. Rogers further postulated that there is one central source of energy in the human organism; that is a function of the whole organism rather than some portion of it; and that it is perhaps best conceptualized as a tendency toward fulfillment, toward actualization, toward the maintenance and enhancement of the organism” (page 443). Rogers’ theory led to the formation of what he is best known for, humanistic person-centered approach to therapy. Rogers’ therapy approach has been embraced since the development of such; not only in traditional therapy, but across multiple realms. Rogers’ person-centered approach to therapy is the most influential and widely embraced therapy approach in use today. To be a successful therapist, educator, co-worker, friend, and parent one must also embrace Rogers’ theory and approach.…
Ron Clark a young white, energetic, and idealistic teacher leaves his small North Carolina school to teach in a New York inner city elementary school, where he takes on the most unruly 6th grade class at Inner Harlem Elementary school. Mr. Clark believed he could turn the class around with innovative teaching techniques and a set of what he calls his “essential rules.” Clark quickly learns that he isn’t’ going to be able to just walk into the classroom, command attention with his smile and a set of rules; the first rule being “We are family” when none of the students in his class look like him, or talk like him. In order to know how to reach them Mr. Clark must first understand his students individually and collectively. According to Covey…
Mohandas Gandhi’s early life was difficult. In his family he had to marry at a young age. He also had some family tragedies. Gandhi was married at age 13. He had 4 children with his wife, Kasturba. He had a big event happened, when he came back to India from Britain he was told that his mother died a few days before. These experiences motivated him later on in his life.…
Fredrickson, K. (2000). Nursing knowledge development through research: Using the Roy Adaptation Model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 13, 12-16…