Bunraku, the National Puppet Theater of Japan, mainly consists of half life-size dolls dressed in sophisticated costumes and manipulated by puppeteers. Bunraku emerged in the 17th century and soon became familiar to society in the mid eighteenth century, recognized as a noble form of art that Japan venerates from. The Love Suicides at Sonezaki was one of Bunraku's most impressive and successful plays, written by Chikamatsu Monzaemon and was first performed 20 June 1703. Chikamatsu began a collaboration with the a brilliant chanter, Takemoto Gidayu I, which enhanced Bunraku's popularity and signifies it's existence to society. The Tayu chanters play a huge role in Bunraku's puppetry performances, bringing the audience a livelier feel of from the puppets. The role of the Tayu chanters in The Love Suicides at Sonezaki had tremendously helped enhance the emotions and characteristic of the two lovers, Ohatsu and Tokubei: to what extent has the Tayu chanters contributed to the expression of the character Ohatsu and Tokubei in a traditional Bunraku performance of the play The Love Suicides at Sonezaki.
Differ from other puppets that are carved or moulded permanently, Bunraku’s puppets are constantly redefined by its puppeteers, reassembling it for the next productions. Details from the puppets like the face, hair and clothes are carefully constructed before a play is staged. Another difference that distinguish Bunraku's puppets amongst other stereotypical puppets are the way they are controlled. The puppets used in Bunraku are not controlled by strings or rod, but by directly holding on to the puppet's limbs and parts, swaying them into expressing the most realistic actions as possible. The puppeteers cooperate with each other to maneuverer the limbs, eyelids, eyeballs, eyebrows and mouths of the puppets, creating realistic actions and expressive facial expressions. The puppeteers are completely (in full view) presented to the audience while