This essay is going to examine the difference between the work environment in IKEA and Burger King. Some organisational or business functions are too large for individuals to carry out. Therefore groups are essential features of any organisation. A work group is a collection of people who share some of the following characteristics: definable membership, group consciousness, interdependence. (Mullins 2008,218) Teams occur when a number of people have a common goal though they are all independent.” Normally, teams are internal to an organisation and so are made up of people from that employer.”(Martin 2010,261) The main difference between them is while team members work together to achieve a common goal or purpose, they also hold themselves collectively accountable for the results of their work. In a group, the work unit is lead by a manager or department head who is accountable for the group’s performance accomplishments and results, but all members of the group contribute to the workload. I have chosen to work for IKEA as they have better organised work structure and perform in very different way than Burger King. Through the concepts of team working and working groups, the roles of communication and leadership styles, the culture and nature of tasks, and the motivation considerations shown in the next five paragraphs I will give you an idea why I chose to work for IKEA and why they have better work environment. One of the reasons that I have not chosen to work for Burger King is because of the leadership style. Mullins claims that although it is hard to generalise about leadership, ”essentially it is a relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or actions of other people.”(Mullins 2008). This means that the process of leadership can not be separated from the activities of groups and teambuilding. According to (Yoki 2001) leadership is a matter of making a difference. This is an important factor for me as I am a
Bibliography: E.L. Deci and R.M. Ryan(1985)Intrinsik motivation and self-determination in human behaviour Burger King( 2011) Benefits, downloaded from IKEA(2011) Work areas, downloaded from J.Mullins(2008)Essentials of organisational behaviour Esteem needs G. Yoki(2001) Leadership in organisations J.martin(2010) Human Resource Management