Appendix C
The Four Functions of Management
|Description of Event | |
| |Coordinating a bridal shower is an event where management skills were tasked. A |
| |specific time was when my sister had a bridal shower. My friend helped with this |
| |task. We had at least 45 people to attend the shower. The shower took place at out |
| |parent’s home, with a local caterer and florist. |
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In the table below, categorize your actions during the event under each of the four functions of management.
|Planning |Organizing |
|Planning the bridal shower was challenging and we had enormous |We had five people to help organize the bridal shower. We knew |
|help with planning the bridal shower. We formed a guest list and |one who had knowledge of a caterer, one who knew a florist. We |
|listed different ideas and activities, catering, and invitation |group people together to achieve a successful shower. |
|layouts. After we made the guest list, we knew what kind of theme|Organization for the bridal shower was important, we to be |
|we could use. Individuals were delegated to perform