Appendix D
Contingency Theory of Leadership
|Description of work environment | |
| |The work environment is a Large Daycare Center with a few classroom and age groups |
| |ranging from infancy to 5th grade. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
In the table below, categorize different leadership approaches that could be used in the work environment you have described. Provide different suggestions for each of the four approaches to leadership.
|Directive approach |Supportive approach |
|Inform the new employees of all the rules and regulations, go |Be friendly and humorous while going over all the rules and |
|over employee handbook with them, go over how scheduling works, |regulations with new employees. Explain to them how scheduling |
|and directly linking incentives with work performance. |works and inform them the best ways they can ask for days off. |
| |Empathize with them, allow feedback. |
|Inform all new clients of all the rules regulations, when | |
|payments are due, late charge fees, etc. Keep a strictly |Inform all new clients how