Bus 602 Ashford University
As a political scientist, the study of political systems can become very broad in nature due to the type of research and analysis required to be performed in areas such as the birth, development, institution and operation of different countries. To be more specific, their interests lie in the discovery of trends that result in political and social cleavages within any society. Their research can span from relations between the United States and other foreign countries to the politics of a small town. Political scientists analyze public opinions, political decision making and the ideology behind the decisions of lawmakers. Currently, political scientist’s interests and research are concentrated on tangible topics such as: healthcare and welfare reform, immigration, foreign relations, global warming, economy, education and unemployment. The United States as well as several other countries are in a very tremulous time given today’s political agendas, nuclear programs and economic declines, which are affecting everyone’s life. On a professional and personal note, a few of the contributor’s I monitor weekly are economic trends which present challenges for everyone, especially for families. I also watch current trending for unemployment and healthcare which is very vital to the families on my caseload as well as every American. On a weekly basis, I will read these different websites to gain information on current events, they are: (1) AmericanThinker.com, (2) DrudgeReport.com, (3) MSNMoney.com, and (4) MelaniePhillips.com (UK Spectator). There seems to be so many relevant issues facing American’s today that if correct decisions are not made, the ramifications will affect American’s for decades.
Roskin, M. (2009), Countries and Politics, Concepts: Geography, Culture (10th Ed). Pearson Education, Inc. The Princeton Review (2008), Political Scientist. Retrieved on September 29, 2009 from
References: Roskin, M. (2009), Countries and Politics, Concepts: Geography, Culture (10th Ed). Pearson Education, Inc.
The Princeton Review (2008), Political Scientist. Retrieved on September 29, 2009 from http://www.princetonreview.com