To begin the SWOT analysis I will look at the strengths. The woman behind the idea Kris Price has 23 years as an active Customer Service oriented business professional. She has earned the respect of her colleagues. The Business Plan has a set goal while anticipated some initial loss but expecting an increase in profit throughout the next few years. Kris has a daughter who is a veterinarian that will be joining the company which will help ease the minds of potential clients to know their pets will be safe. Kris has also through the years been a pet owner so she understands the clientele that she is trying to attract. She knows that people value their pets and nowadays they are treated more than just family. The other thing I liked was that it is a 24 hour service so when you take that later flight home you can swing by and pick up the dog without having to accrue an extra days’ worth of charges.
When it comes to Weaknesses I didn’t notice many in this Business Plan. Kris Price has her client base focused on a small group I felt. Yes, she wants something in an upscale area looking at two income working families but I believe widening the audience would help her attract more of a client base. It seems as if she is monopolizing the business. She has intentions of having the only business that offers all of these services however she seems to be limiting her audience while charging higher rates. In the economy we are in some people have a hard time parting with hard earned money on luxuries. The other thing that concerned me was the amount of staff in the beginning. She had only two staff running the front counter, checking dogs in and out, setting up clients with the self-wash area,
References: (Jones)