Group Project
Advertising Campaign
Executive Summary
Campaign Topic
Company Background
Xiaomi is a mobile internet company dedicated to creating an all aspect user experience. Founded in 2010, Xiaomi has fast become one of the leading tech firms in China. The company is currently valuated at over 10 billion USD and has over 3000 employees.
The “MI” in Xiaomi logo is short for Mobile Internet. But it also has other meanings, one of which is “Mission Impossible” because upon establishing Xiaomi, there were many barriers to defy and it seemed quite impossible at the time. Now, Xiamoi are going global which provide products liked Xiaomi Phones, MiTalk (Messaging application), MiBox (TV Set-top box), MIUI ROM (Customize ROM for android devices) and MiTV (Smart TV).
Campaign Objective:
In this project, we are going to make a half-year campaign that aims to build up a brand image for Xiaomi. To achieve this objective, there will be two processes in the campaign: raise public awareness, promote public experience.
Campaign Activities:
First of all, we will use internet power to promote their product like Facebook page or advertisement on Facebook and Xiaomi can advertise in Youtube. It is the most efficient way to enhance the public awareness of Xiaomi.
For promoting public experience, we will use mobile publicity car in several region to provide trial usage. At the same time, number of Xiaomi will be sent to different famous bloggers and forum like Hong Kong Golden Forum, to give reviews on using Xiaomi. These kinds of actions will provide the public more actual product information and raise the buying intentions.
1. Introductions
In recent years, the competition of Smartphone market has become very keen. Apple and Samsung have become the market leader for few years. But recently, there are China mobile companies start entering the Hong Kong Smartphone market to challenge the positions of
References: 1. Xiaomi Official Web Site 2. HK Golden – Mobile 3. DC Fever – Product Reviews 4. YouTube- Official iPhone 5c Trailer