Demographic change is the studies of a population based on factors such as age, race, sex, and economic status, level of education, income level and employment. Demographics are used by government, corporations and non-government organisation to learn more about population’s characteristics for many purposes, including policy development and economic market research. At this stage I agree that demographic change in the UK represents more of an opportunity then a threat to UK businesses. However whether change is an opportunity or threat depends on whether management prepares for it.
The ageing population changes have been known about for a long time giving plenty of opportunities for businesses to prepare for them, with planning managers might be expected to minimise the damage or create opportunities. In some ways I feel that demographic change in the UK represents more of an opportunity because it may create marketing opportunities as market demands change. If the business can adapt or develop their marketing strategies and tactics then this may create sales opportunities. For example for the company IKEA their traditional product value is low price high volume product but the movement into mid to higher price points will see an opportunity to move the demographic base and increase the average basket value with less confidence on a limited demographic collection. At a time of recession in the global economy, it may appear that some companies will reduce take up of services that Ikea's offers. However, in tough times clients tend to focus upon cost reduction and outsourcing - with are strategies that Ikea's