Financial Tools
Chapters in This Part
Financial Statements and Ratio Analysis
Cash Flow and Financial Planning
Time Value of Money
INTEGRATIVE CASE 2 Track Software, Inc.
n Part 2 you will learn about some of the basic analytical tools that financial managers use almost every day. Chapter 3 reviews the main financial statements that are the primary means by which firms communicate with investors, analysts, and the rest of the business community. Chapter 3 also illustrates some simple tools that managers use to analyze the information contained in financial statements to identify and diagnose financial problems.
Firms create financial statements using the accrual principles of accounting, but in finance it is cash flow that really matters. Chapter 4 shows how to use financial statements to determine how much cash flow a firm is generating and how it is spending that cash flow. Chapter 4 also explains how firms develop short-term and long-term financial plans.
Managers have to decide whether the up-front costs of investments are justified by the subsequent cash that those investments are likely to produce. Chapter 5 illustrates techniques that firms use to evaluate these sorts of trade-offs.
Financial Statements and Ratio Analysis
Learning Goals
Why This Chapter Matters to You
LG 1 Review the contents of the
In your professional life
LG 2 Understand who uses financial
ACCOUNTING You need to understand the stockholders’ report and preparation of the four key financial statements; how firms consolidate international financial statements; and how to calculate and interpret financial ratios for decision making.
stockholders’ report and the procedures for consolidating international financial statements. ratios and how.
LG 3 Use ratios to analyze a firm’s
liquidity and activity.
LG 4 Discuss the relationship between
debt and financial leverage and the ratios