Outcome 1- Understand the purpose of planning communication.
1.1- Explain reasons for knowing the purpose of communications.
By knowing the purpose of communication you know how to respond, to whether it is designed to start a debate, send a message to people or just a general information briefing and know how to interpret the information. It is important for me to know the purpose of communication when I contact another company as I need to find out information and normally very specific information, so the purpose of my communication is information retrieval. Whenever anyone communicated they are transferring information, an opinion or a message so this needs to be clearly laid out so the purpose remains clear.
1.2- Explain reasons for knowing the audience to whom the communication is being presented.
By knowing who your audience is it is easier to adapt your communication to make it audience acceptable. If a business man with many years of experience will be able to understand more complex business jargon where as a new employee to a business would need things explaining in a jargon-less way, unless you also clearly explain what the technical term means but this can be time consuming. In my work I occasionally deal with customers and as I am still new at work I don’t use any form of jargon, this is useful because customers may become confused when presented with terms they don’t understand.
1.3- Describe different methods of communication.
There are several methods of business communication.
· Video conferencing- allows for people in different locations to hold interactive meetings.
· Emails- which provide an instantaneous medium of written communication worldwide.
· Reports- important in documenting the activities of any department.
· Presentations- very popular method of communication in all types of organisation,
· phone conferencing - allows people to speak long distance.