BA Tools & Techniques
Focus Groups Interviews Observation Requirement Workshops Root Cause Analysis Structured Walkthrough Surveys/Questionnaires
Strategic Analysis
Information Knowledge
Document Analysis Business Rules Functional Decomposition Interface Analysis Process Modeling Scenarios & Use Cases Sequence & State Diagrams User Stories
Process Knowledge
Solution Knowledge
Fact Finding
Benchmarking Brainstorming Decision Analysis SWOT Analysis
Data Flow Diagram Data Modeling Organization Modeling
Acceptance Criteria Estimating Lessons Learned Process Metrics & KPIs Non-functional Requirements Problem Tracking Prototyping Risk Analysis Scope Modeling Vendor Assessment
Pick one Technique from each of the five Topic Areas and list them. For example: Topic Area Strategic Analysis Fact Finding Information Knowledge Process Knowledge Solution Knowledge Technique Brainstorming Focus Group Data Dictionary/Glossary User Stories Non-Functional Requirements
Look on the internet or other sources to find an example where business has utilized each of your five selected techniques (list the source). Cut and paste the example into your assignment. Add comments regarding when and where this technique could be beneficial or inappropriate for a business to employ. You will be graded on selecting a compelling example (not just any example), your discussion about the appropriateness of the technique for the specific case scenario and if other techniques may have been alternatives or more appropriate, and the pros and cons of this technique in general. The format should approximately one page for the cut and paste example, and one page of discussion (some techniques and examples may require more or less than one page), repeated for each of your five selected Techniques. Please make the document like a report with a cover page and table of contents,