1 Assesment outcomes: 4
2 Introduction: 4
3 Aims and Objectives of the project: 5
3.1 TESCO 5
3.2 YO SUSHI 6
Small brief about yo sushi 6
3.3 UICEF 7
Unicef is a charity, work to protect child rights, UNICEF UK established in 1956 and is one of 36 UNICEF National Committees based in industrialized countries. It is a charitable company limited by guarantee and is governed by a Board of Trustees. The Board meets regularly to discuss governance matters, including the charity’s vision, mission and strategic direction. 7
3.4 The Comparison Table 8
4 Report Brief: 9
5 Forms Of Ownerships: 10
5.1 Selection of organization 10
5.2 General Discription: 10
5.3 Historical Changes or Developments Explanation: 10
6 Pros. And Cons. Of Organization Ownership: 10
6.1 Definition of Current Ownership: 10
6.2 Comparison between different forms of Ownerships: 10
6.3 Comparison of Advantages and Disadvatages of curret ownership: 10
6.4 Discussion of Recommended Changes to current form: 10
7 Pros. And Cons. Of Organization Structure: 10
7.1 Definition of Current Structure: 10
7.2 Comparison between different forms of Stuctures: 10
7.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of current Sturcture: 10
7.4 Discussion of Recommended Changes to current form: 10
8 Key Stakeholders identification: 10
8.1 Ss 10
8.2 Ss 10
9 Summary and Conclusion: 11
9.1 Discussion: 11
10 Reference List: 11
11 Appendix: 11
1 Assesment outcomes:
2 Introduction:
This report will discuss three different organization aims and objectives for different sectors of companies. There are too many kinds of organization such as a public limited company (PLC) , private limited company (LTD), sole trader, partnership, franchise and co-operative. In this project three major companies have been chosen from different organization from the first one is Tesco is considered as a PLC, the second is JCB which is operated as LTD and the third one is UNICEF which is a charity that is a non profitable