of Thought
Level 6 Retold by Stephen Bryant Edited by Mike Dean Consultant Editor: David Evans Scries Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter
Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, England and Associated Companies throughout the world. ISDN 0 582 34300 3 First published in the USA by Warner Books, a Time Warner Company 1999 This edition first published 2001 Original copyright ©William H. Gates, III, 1999 Text copyright Penguin Books 2001
page Introduction Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Information Flow is Your Lifeblood Commerce: The Internet Changes Everything Manage Knowledge to Improve Strategic Thought Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Special Projects Expect the Unexpected 55 79 95 101 102 v 1 20
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"As the boss of Microsoft, the world's most successful software company, I played a large part in the birth of the Information Age. In this book I explain the idea of a digital nervous system—the use of information technology to satisfy people's needs at work and at home . . . "
In this fascinating book Bill Gates offers the reader a better future. He explains how more and better information can mean more interesting jobs for workers, more knowledgeable customers, more interesting schools, and citizens who have a voice in the decisions their government makes. A "digital nervous system" can improve business, but this book is not just for people in business. It is for