Faboil Ltd is a successful organisation in the biotechnology field. The paternal approach is the most important factor for the success of credit for the company.
At present, the monopoly position of Faboil Ltd has slowly eroded away and faces two competitors. The major causes are that the new products have failed to live up to market expectations and its modus operandi technology is at a backward stage.
There are some conflictions in the coordination between departments. When Dr Brownlow believed that selecting Brenda Frame and Judith Smythe is a smart move, Richard and Fred were both negative about the course and suggested that no long-lasting benefits would be achieved. Purchasing team and sales and marketing team involved in the working parties of Brenda, but Richard adamantly refused to yield on the matter.
This report will find the causes of problems in the company and give practical ideas and resolutions.
2. Richard’s Managerial Roles
Henir Fayol defined management as consisting of five main activities, planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling.
Planning includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities. Organising includes determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decision are to be made. Commanding is telling people what should be done. Coordinating involves determining the timing and sequencing of activities so that they mesh properly, allocating the appropriate proportions of resources, times and priority, and adapting means to ends. Controlling is the process of monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and correcting and significant deviations.
Richard did not act well in organizing. He didn’t allocate the work appropriately because he gave Carole the major portion of workload which Carole could not cope. He did not act well in coordinating. When there drove a wedge