Semester: 2014 - II
The student will be assigned a company listed on the Lima Stock Exchange. Once assigned the company must obtain information on the behavior of the company with quantitative, qualitative and financial information, as well as the necessary data on the company’s sector.
With this information you have to make an analysis of the company which should be widely supported. The wording must be ongoing, as a report of the situation of the company, not as responses to specific items requested. Proposals or comments contained in the list of this guide serves only as guidelines for the analysis. Use tables, graphs, matrixes, models and indicators of management is essential part of the case study. Analyses based on other aspects that are not mentioned in the structure of the paper can be useful as long as the required sections of the study are complete.
You must complete your report in “Word” and prepare a presentation in power point which will be presented on the assigned date.
The grading is based on the following:
1. Compliance with the structure of the study, which cannot be modified
2. The study should be between 11 and 14 pages, including the abstract, excluding charts, indicators and additional tables, which will be included in the Annex.
3. Work should contain only public information.
4. The style and spelling.
5. The study must be original, with demonstration of critical thinking skills, with ability to analyze problems and proposed alternative solution. The rationale and defense of the proposals are essential.
Format and sources:
Font: Times New Roman
Font size 12
Margins: 3 cm.
Line spacing: single
Justification is required in paragraphs.
Structure of the final work in word 1. Summary of study
2. General aspects of the company: company name, stock price, target price, graphic evolution of prices, market profile through a chart indicating their