Tuuli Tukiainen
A new tool for research:
The starting point for the concept analysis was the three-level model of organisational culture by Edgar Schein (1985) applied to communication culture. According to Schein, culture is divided into contents of meanings and levels of meanings. Schein classifies the levels of meanings into artefacts, values and beliefs. Working community is a group of people in a certain part of an organisation. The group has come into being for functional or administrative reasons and may form its own subculture in an organisation. Communication of a community has a relationship to the communication in other working communities within the organisation. Communication system consists of communication channels taken into use, the information contents and the rules of communication and the relationship between these things. The functioning of a communication system is a process that handles messages in different ways and is the factor that forms communication climate. Communication climate is the subjective views, interpretations and satisfaction of the members of an organisation with the communication phenomena in a certain situation and in a certain moment. It is manifested in meanings and valuations. Communication climate is the aggregation of observations, feelings and valuations of individuals and the result of the working process of a communication system. Communication culture is generated through shared experiences and learning. Abductive dialogue with the data proved that it was justified to define the levels of the meanings at one-level as valuations. Subsystems of communication culture are communication system and communication climate. Communication culture operates as the unifier of functions of the organisation and subcultural groups as well as transmitter of valuations, among other things. I defined communication culture to apply to communication within organisation. Separating
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