Business Communication – BUSCOM
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Business Communication – BUSCOM
Copyright OLG © 2014
The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the material, which has been covered in this module. The assignment consists of a variety of questions, which have been developed to assess your insight into the following areas:
Introduction to the study of Business Communication
The process of communication
Communication in organisations
Small group communication
Formal meetings
Interpersonal communication
Active listening
Non-verbal communication
The interview
For the purpose of the examination at the end of this module, you will be assessed on the above, plus the remainder of the learning material covered in the module. This assignment consists of four (4) compulsory questions, which you need to answer with reference to your study guide, your prescribed material, as well as any additional sources you may require.
Question 1
1.1 Name the three communication contexts that you are likely to encounter in any business.
1.2 Name three major functions that effective communication in an organisation will have.
1.3 Explain the differences between intrapersonal, interpersonal and small group communication.
1.4 Write a definition for upward communication and discuss the types of messages one may use when communicating upward.
1.5 Write a short definition to indicate what dyadic communication refers to.
Provide two examples to demonstrate your answer.
Business Communication – BUSCOM
Copyright OLG © 2014
Question 2
In your reading for the assignment, you encountered two major communication models. Answer the following questions to demonstrate your understanding of these models. 2.1 Draw up a list of the elements of the linear communication model and provide definitions for each of the elements.
2.2 Formulate a list of six (6) of the major barriers to communication that you are familiar with. (6)
2.3 Provide a brief definition to explain the nature of the convergence model of business communication. (5)
Question 3
Small group communication is said to be an essential part of the communication process within organisations. Answer the following questions pertaining to small group communication within organisations.
3.1 Formulate a brief definition to show what small groups are.
3.2 Draw up a list of six (6) advantages that one would associate with the formation of groups.
3.3 There are various implications of small groups for the communication process.
Draw up a list of eight (8) of these implications as encountered in your reading. (8)
3.4 Your reading suggests that small groups are either formal or informal in nature.
List two (2) types of informal small groups, as well as four (4) types of formal small groups. (6)
Business Communication – BUSCOM
Copyright OLG © 2014
Question 4
South Africa can be regarded as a country consisting of various cultures, which means that employees will also be spending lots of time with people from other cultures.
Answer the following questions, which have been formulated on the issue of intercultural communication: 4.1 Provide a definition to explain what culture refers to.
4.2 What is the meaning of the concept of organisational culture?
4.3 Formulate a definition to show what organisational climate refers to.
4.4 What does cultural stereotyping refer to?
4.5 Provide a brief definition to explain the concept of ethnocentrism.
4.6 What does the concept of ethnorelativism refer to?
Business Communication – BUSCOM
Copyright OLG © 2014