Junior M ar keting Executive - CILANTRO CULINARY ACADEM Y
A d ve rti se d :2 5 -2 -1 3 | Cl o si n g Da te :2 5 -4 -1 3
Cila ntro Culina ry Aca de m y is the la rge st priva te voca tiona l culina ry a ca de m y in Ma la ysia .
Es tablis hed s inc e 2006, we area highly res pec table Profes s ional Chef Training Ac ademy loc ated in
USJ, Subang Jay a. Being the pioneer in the c ulinary educ ation, our es tablis hment is well-k nown in the c ulinary educ ation and als o in the F&B indus try es pec ially among the Hoteliers . Chefs graduating from our ac ademy are highly s ought after by renowned hotels , fine dining res taurants and international c hain res taurants in Malay s ia and Singapore.
Every y ear, we train hundreds of y oung, energetic and ambitious c hefs -to-be, to s tart their c areer in the
Hos pitality Indus try . In the c oming future, Cilantro Culinary Ac ademy aims to be the bigges t voc ational c ulinary ac ademy in South Eas t As ia. In line with our ex pans ion plan, we would lik e to invite qualified individuals to fill up our job openings .
Junior M arketing Executive
Selangor - USJ
Re sponsibilitie s:
As s is t the Sales and Mark eting department in implementing and c oordinating s ales & mark eting programmes for the ac ademy . www.jobstr eet.com.my/jobs/2013/2/default/10/1866358.htm?fr = 23
Junior M ar keting Executive - CILANTRO CULINARY ACADEM Y
programmes for the ac ademy .
Carry out promotions and ac tivities to inc reas e public awarenes s and s tudent enrolments , whic h inc ludes advertis ing and promotions , public relations , and events s uc h as roads how, educ ation fair and s c hool fairs .
To manage all the databas e and data mining ac tivities .
As s is t to drive the overall s ales performanc e and brands ’ growth.
As s is t in the planning of s trategic mark eting plan and brand ac tivities .
Involved in the planning and