UNIT OF STUDY Business Communications WDB1008
ASSESSMENT TYPE Individual Report
Student ID: 4089219
Due Date: Week 13
Integrated Assignment
Business Communication Report
Roy DrageGymwear Company
Executive Summary
I am submitting this report entitled “The differences from cultures between Australia and Saudi Arabia” as useful part of improving intercultural knowledge of the company’s staffs.
In this report, we will go through how cultural understanding is important to our business, find out differences between both Australia and Saudi Arabia – the market that we are continuing to invest and develop our company branch, which is followed by consequences of the fact that our customers are not received right behaviour of our staffs to their cultures.
Differences between Australia and Saudi Arabia are mentioned in this report are about economic factors, political factors, social customs, business practise and key legal differences.
Finally, some solutions which could improve our company’s current problem could be figured out.
Table of Contents
Suppose of the report
The main purpose of this report is to indicate the special dissimilarities between Australian culture and Saudi Arabia culture. The proposal shows some details about the differences in a few aspects which have more influences on our business in Saudi Arabia as well as some examples to illustrate for those common problems.
Roy DrageGymwear Co. is a clothing manufacturer specialising in sporting clothes in Melbourne, Australia. The problem is ourcompany a we are keeping losing customers who come from different cultures from Australia. There have been complaints from current clients that staffs do not understand cultural difference very well and the Company Director is
References: Australia business etiquette & culture, cyborlink, viewed 19th March, Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2010, “ Saudi Arabia country brief”, viewed 20th March 2013 Australian Government, 2012, “ Australia people, culture and lifestyle” viewed 20th March Australian Government, 2012, “Doing business in Saudi Arabia”, viewed 20th March, 2013, Australian Government, 2012, “Our country”, viewed 19th March, 2013, Countries and their cultures, 2010, “ Saudi Arabia”, viewed 20th March http://www.everyculture.com/Sa-Th/Saudi-Arabia.html Saudi Arabia business etiquette & culture, cyborlink, viewed 23rd March 2013, World Business Culture, 2012, “Australian Communication Styles”, viewed 19th March, 2013, World Business Culture, 2012, “Australian Meetings”, viewed 19th March, 2013, World Business Culture, 2012, “Successful Entertaining in Australia”, viewed 19th March, 2013,