Kevin C. Gilmore
Management of Business Communications
MGT 507
Professor Dr. Corrine Patrick
Module 1 SLP
October 8, 2004
Most of us assume that our communication "style" is the best style but the fact is that every style has merit. The key is to understand your style, and those of others. This highly interactive workshop helps diverse organizations identify and analyze individual styles. We base the workshop on a four-page written assessment that helps participants determine which of four styles they are: bold, expressive, sympathetic or technical. Once participants determine their own styles, they get together with others of similar styles to analyze the pros and cons of the style. In …show more content…
Generally speaking, in our society boys and men are seen as aggressive, independent and objective. Girls and women are seen as submissive, dependent and subjective. In general, men talk to give information or to report. They talk about things -- business, sports, and food -- rather than people. They convey facts, not details. They are goal-oriented. They focus on solving problems and are less likely to ask for help or directions. Men compete. Women, on the other hand, talk to get information and to connect or to gain rapport. They talk about people rather than things. They convey feelings and details. They are relationship oriented. They are quicker to ask for and accept help or directions. Women cooperate. These differences can create conflict between the sexes socially, professionally and intimately. The advice most frequently given is for men and women to understand and respect their differences and similarities. We all belong to the same human race with the same fears, desires and needs. Our survival depends on our willingness to understand and be understood. Are you an open or reserved person, an …show more content…
Unlike the openly expressive person described above, these individuals tend to hold back on disclosing anything that might give clues to their inner nature. They seem to be most comfortable when keeping a certain distance in their interpersonal relationships. When looking for clues about the reserved person, watch how much further away they stand when talking to you, or when you shake hands for the first time. Everyone falls somewhere on the scale between open and reserved. Decide where you fit on this scale and place a mark at that point. It is hard to judge one self but I think I am more assertive than most so I would put my communication in the strong style category. People with this style are highly motivated to get what they want and have their ego tied up with winning any confrontation they are in. They often need to make the other person feel that what they are doing is wrong. They tend to be inflexible in their approach and try to overpower others. They can unleash a variety of "hardball" tactics and are not concerned about the quality of relationships. But this doesn't mean I am an bad person or have a bad attitude, it just my