There are many reasons why I chosen M&s as my national business. One of the reasons why I chose M&S is because M&S sponsored an entrepreneur scheme called NTYE this allowed me to gain more insight into M&S and its infrastructure. This also allowed me to become more familiar with the business, as I felt that M&S being a PLC, gaining any required information wouldn’t be of difficulty as M&S are obliged to publish all their financial records for shareholders. Another reason I have chosen M&S as the national business to assess is because I personally shop at M&S frequently and so are aware of the range of products M&S offer to the public I have also visited the store and therefore have had a first-hand experience of M&S .After inspecting a range of other national business such as Debenhams and New Look I felt that M&S was the overall right business to choose as M&S were very willing to give me information on their business and answer any follow-up question I have. The way in which I will conduct my research is through gathering information from a range of sources, such as Tom Moby the M&S company spokesperson, the M&S sales and corporate websites, also the questionnaire I created to help gather the information I needed for this activity and various news articles found online which will validate my assessment.
The Rep
Similarly there are many different reasons why I chose The Rep to be the local business to asses. The Rep is local to Birmingham and a reasonable distance from the school; this means that I am able to gather the information I need without the inconvenience of travelling a long distance away. I have also been interested in theatre and have seen a number of productions The Rep has produced such as ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’ and ‘The Snowman’ which made me curious about the foundation upon The Rep is set on. Another reason why I chose The Rep is because The Rep is
Bibliography: The Rep Section | Sources | History, Purpose and Activities | http://www.marksintime.marksandspencer.com/ms-history/timeline/ image from the same URLhttp://corporate.marksandspencer.com/aboutus http://www.marksandspencer.com/ | Location and Competitors | http://www.thefort.co.uk/stores-item.php?id=22 http://www.thefort.co.uk/stores-item.php?id=22 (image) http://www.thefort.co.uk/page.php?p=6 (image) | Aims and Objectives | http://corporate.marksandspencer.com/aboutus/our_plan Questionnaire School Visit | Achievement of aims at M&S | http://news.yahoo.com/marks-spencer-customer-training-achieves-landmark-accreditation-standard-102526805.htmlhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2013/jan/13/marks-and-spencer-marc-bolland http://annualreport.marksandspencer.com/ http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/jul/15/m-and-s-celebrity-onlinehttp://www.businessandleadership.com/business/item/39020-mands-uk-sales-hit-by-poor-ge | Ethical Trading at M&S | http://corporate.marksandspencer.com/documents/publications/2010/planacommitments2010 http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/aug/08/gap-next-marks-spencer-sweatshops http://corporate.marksandspencer.com/media/press_releases/plan_a_half-year_update2 http://plana.marksandspencer.com/about/partnerships/oxfam/shwopping | M&S