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Programme : International Diploma in Business managementSubjectCode : MGE0102/ Business Decision makingAssignment Title : Using statistical techniques in the business | Summary of the learning Outcomes Covered: 1. Use a variety of sources for the collection of data, both primary and secondary 2. Apply a range of techniques to analyzed data for business purposes 3. Produce information in appropriate formats for decision making in organizational con text 4. Use software – generated information to make decisions at operational, tactical and strategic level in an organization ASSIGNMENT TYPE : Individual / group based assignmentDATE : 29th December 2011DUE DATE : 5thMarch 2012DATE SUBMITTED : 5thMarch 2012ASSESSOR :INTERNAL VERIFIER : |
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I take this chance to thank Miss. M. PriyanthimalaWho helped me to improve and developed this particular project. She explained well about the project and sacrificed her most of the time to explain and also made sure that all the students understood. She was ready to help out in any time and gave her full support for this particular project.
I finally would like to thank my parents, friends and others for helping to do this project.
Thank you
TASKS | PAGE NO | Task 01 | 04 | Task 02 | 09 | Task 03 | 14 |