Vietcombank has established on 1 April 11, 1963 as a state-owned commercial bank with 3.955 billion VND of capital, Vietcombank is a special state owned corporation which organized under “90, 91 corporation” structure and it is the oldest commercial bank for external affairs in Vietnam and the first bank having centralized capital management structure. It is also interbank forex payment centre for over 100 domestic banks and foreign banks operating in Vietnam. Vietcombank is the first commercial bank deal to foreign currencies in Vietnam. As a part of privatization of public utilities/companies, Vietcombank suffers the massive pressure on the system; there is both commercial and political pressure to create a profitable and efficient public utilities system. The affects of economic, social and global environment are also important the operation of privatization of public utilities/company.
In Vietnam, there is a specific type of economics systems which depends on economic development situation of Vietnam. In addition, Vietnam also has social welfares and economic policies initiatives which have definite influences to companies. fiscal and monetary