(MARKS : 80)
Q1) Imagine that you are in-charge of a major chemical plant, manufacturing points. At present, the general awareness about the mandatory requirements for chemical industry is very low. Even if the compliance record is maintained, it is not disclosed to all employees. (25 marks)
In a recent seminar of the company, many experts from industry associations like Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), conducted the seminar. The dangers of non-compliance of ISO 14001 EMS certification and Trade Sanctions, which are likely to increase, were discussed. Even the senior managers were involved and a lot of serious discussions took place.
After a span of one month, the In-charge (i.e. you!) received a call from the top management, who want you to find out more about the ISO Certification. The management, wants to help you, with the help of other employees to list the critical aspects that have potential environmental impact. You may be feeling that you have only some vague ideas about air pollution in paint industry and water pollution, due to paint manufacture. You may also recall the newspaper clipping on internationalization of paint manufacturing practices, which states the following points:
i) What are the activities that are critical to the company’s environmental management certification? ii) List the activities which have potential environmental impacts in a pint industry. iii) List the legal requirements. iv) Is there a trade related issue involved in this case v) Explain, how your company can prepare itself towards certification.
CASE 2 :
Q2) XYZ company is an equal opportunity employer.