Individual Case Study (20%)
This assessment criteria and grading structure is used as the: 1. general guidelines for marking written coursework, and 2. feedback to the students for future improvement.
| |Content |Analysis |Evidence of Reflection |Achievement of Learning |
| | | | |Outcomes |
|20 |Excellent quality of |Extremely through analysis|Describes and evaluates all |Full synthesis of the |
| |content; very wide range |of material given; high |events from multiple |module through the |
| |of options considered, |level of self-awareness |perspectives; transfers |achievement learning |
| |imaginative and creative |and aspirations; |concepts beyond that |outcomes and full |
|17 |approach. Excellent range |convincing and lucid |particular setting; |understanding of the |
| |of appropriate resources |justification of choices |recognizing and justifying |process. |
| |used. |made. |the impact of a specific | |
| | | |situation on learning. | |
|16.9 |Very good quality content,|Very through analysis; |Describes ad evaluates some |Some evaluation of the |
| |wide range of options |very good level of |events from different |Learning Outcomes. |
| |considered, through |self-awareness and |perspectives; transfers some | |
| |approach. Very good use of|aspirations; through |concepts; can recognize |