An Ethical Dilemma
Table of content
1. Introduction
Homosexual can be defined as people who have “emotional, romantic, or sexual abstractions to members of one’s own sex” (APA, 2008), which has drawn an increasing attention all over the world. There is a documentary film called Lead with Love which based on homosexuals’ parents. At the end of the firm, it indicates that homosexuality is a biological variability, not a disease or a choice (Whether kids are gay or straight, family love is key, 2011). However, because of the different sexual orientation, homosexuality also can be regarded as a ethical dilemma which is “a situation in which there is no obvious ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ decision, but rather a ‘right’ or ‘right’ answer” (Ghillyer, 2008, p9). In other words, it is difficult to offer a specific answer of whether homosexual relationship should be accepted. For this essay, I will utilize Ghillyer’s (2008) three-step process to analyze and solve this ethic problem.
2. Consequences
2.1. Social Exclusion
Actually, it is difficult to deny that homosexual suffer the social exclusion in the recent world. Silver (2007) defined social exclusion as “a multidimensional process of progressive social rupture, detaching groups and individuals from social relations institutions and preventing them from full participation in the normal, normatively prescribed activities of the society in which they live” (p.15). On the one hand, some people opposed homosexual relationship because of religious reasons. To be more specific, religious opponents suppose that accepting gay couples is against their religious beliefs. According to Britton (2011), homosexual is condemned to be a sin by Western Christian theology. In fact, discriminating and rejecting homosexuality has become to be one integral part for some traditional religious organizations, which will contaminate and influence the general view of homosexual relationship to