I think this is a very interesting book and fresh view for business student, especially for unchristian students. Since I came from China that Christian is not very popular in there, I am not familiar with this religion. So there are many management ideas in the book make me very interesting in. For instance, in the book the author talked that Christian leaders are very accessible to their employees.
“Throughout scripture, Christians are called to be encouragers of those around them (see, for example, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Proverbs 15:23, Proverbs 31:31). In the context of the workplace, this means that it is the responsibility of the Christian leader to recognize and praise employees for their efforts—to pat them on the back for a job well done, to commend and publicize their successes and to actively support their continued effort on behalf of the organization”(Michael Zigarelli, page 6). In other words, in Christian leaders’ view, their employees’ needs are more important than customers. They really care about the people they lead in the workplace. As we know, most business books teach company managers that customer is their “God” and do anything to meet their customers’ satisfactions.
Actually this Christian leadership theory recalled me to remember an experience. When I was doing