RUNNING HEAD: Business Ethics across Cultures
Business Ethics across Cultures
John Doe
Organizational Ethics and Social Responsibility
Axia College
Judith Orfao
July 2, 2012
Many business leaders that conduct business globally face many challenges both morally and ethically. When these business leaders conduct business in other countries that are faced with many dilemmas, due to their lack of knowledge of that nations customs, culture or belief system. By understanding their customs, culture and beliefs this can make the communication and business go more smoothly.
IN EAST CHINA: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY”, deals with how people perceive business men ethically, and the current state of China’s business practices. The topic of business ethics in China has become a popular topic. The reason why this has become a popular topic is because China’s business men are becoming more aware of the importance of business ethics. Most important is that China’s business economy and business ethics will become dependent on each other. In China’s current state there are many ethical perceptions which are complex and changeable. In China the business ethics as they are now are very unethical and have brought about much public concern.
The article “Comparing business ethics in Russia and the U.S.” looks at differences and similarities in Russia’s business practices versus the United States business practices. The article also looked at whether people in the United States differed in ethical business practices than those in the Russia. Both countries provide interesting comparisons because of different cultures, economies and business developments. As a Western businessman working in Russia noted recently, 'Business ethics in Russia? I have never heard of it '(Taylor et al., 1997). It has been found that as Russian firms do business with the US, they are finding that Americans practice their 'ethics ' very
References: Beekun, Rafik I, Stedham, Yvonne; Yamamura, Jeanne H.; Barghouti, Jamal A. (Dec. 2003). Comparing business ethics in Russia and the U.S. International Journal of Human Resource Management. Vol. 14 Issue 8, p1333-1349. 17p. China By: St. Clair, Norman Scott; Norris, John T.( Oct2011). Business Ethics and Social Responsibility in contemporary. Journal of Academic & Business Ethics.Vol. 5, p1-9. 9 Wu, X.( July,99) BUSINESS ETHICAL PERCEPTIONS OF BUSINESS PEOPLE IN EAST CHINA: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY. Business Ethics Quarterly., Vol. 9 Issue 3, p541-558. 18p.