Business for the Glory of God
By: Wayne Grudem
October 10, 2011
The Review:
Business for the Glory of God Wayne Grudem wrote the book ‘Business for the Glory of God,’ this book is based on biblical teachings. The book discusses issues such as ownership, productivity, employment, commercial transactions, profit, money, inequality of possessions, competition, borrowing and lending, attitudes of heart and effect on world poverty from a biblical standpoint, each are “fundamentally good and provides many opportunities for glorifying God but also many temptations to sin.” (Grudem, 2003, p. 19) Grudem claims that business can glorify God. He states “I am going to argue that many aspects of business activity are morally good in themselves, and that in themselves they bring glory to God—though they also have great potential for misuse and wrongdoing.” (Grudem, 2003, p. 12) He consistently defends the use of private property, profit and competition for the moral good as opposed to the moral neutral or evil. In each chapter he shows not only how business can be used to glorify God, but how it could also be misused and become sinful. Grudem addresses the ownership of property, also known as stewardship. One way we honor God is by imitating His supreme ownership and rule, or sovereignty. This is done by exercising sovereignty over the things we own. God gave us a desire to possess material objects, and this gives us the desire to imitate his sovereignty. We do not own things absolutely, but only take care of what belongs to God. As its stated in the Bible, “…The earth [is] the LORD's, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.” Psalms 24:1. (Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1982) As responsible stewards we must take care of our material possessions, whether it is as in significant as a pencil or as important as a large corporation. Productivity is fundamentally good, and the production of necessary material items for both us and
Bibliography: Feed America. (n.d.). Working Poor. Retrieved October 5, 2011, from Feeding America: Fuel Tracker Grudem, W. (2003). Business for the Glory of God: Teaching on the Moral Goodness of Business. Wheaton: Crossway Books. North Carolina Goverment. (2011, September 27). DSS. Retrieved October 5, 2011, from North Carolina Division of Social Services: Symmetry Software Thomas Nelson, Inc. (1982). Book of Beginnings - Genesis 1. Retrieved September 30, 2011, from Blue Letter Bible: Thomas Nelson, Inc Thomas Nelson, Inc. (1982). Gospel of Luke 10 NKJV. Retrieved September 30, 2011, from Blue Letter Bible: Thomas Nelson, Inc Thomas Nelson, Inc. (1982). Gospel of Matthew 28 - NKJV. Retrieved October 8, 2011, from Blue Letter Bible: Thomas Nelson, Inc Thomas Nelson, Inc. (1982). James 's Epistle 5 - NKJV. Retrieved October 8, 2011, from Blue Letter Bible: Thomas Nelson, Inc Thomas Nelson, Inc. (1982). Law of Moses Leviticus 25 NKJV. Retrieved September 30, 2011, from Blue Letter Bible: Thomas Nelson, Inc Thomas Nelson, Inc. (1982). Paul 's Epistle - 1 Timothy 6 NKJV. Retrieved October 4, 2011, from Blue Letter Bible: Thomas Nelson, Inc