The essay is based on individual perspectives with reflective elements, which are also based on pieces of psychology papers.
Group forming and development as well as individual contribution is highly involved in the Business game module.
Going through different stages of the module, i.e. from the very start of the group forming until the end of individual essay, the group started to grow gradually although there are occasions where problem occurred.
The development of the teamwork is incorporated in the course of doing each piece of course work, i.e. there is progress of teamwork overall in this module.
Different psychology theories or model are outlined when needed for reference.
Personally, there is also some feedback for this module, e.g. the disclosure of software failure, and inconsistency of the assessment method, the lack of background knowledge of motor car industry, etc.
Executive summary...................................................................................2
The company presentation.........................................................................5
The business plan......................................................................................7
The Practical game....................................................................................10
The company report...................................................................................11
The module................................................................................................13
I will regard this essay as one with more personal
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