Organizations are combinations of financial physical and human resources. Human resources refer to the skill, knowledge, and ability of individuals, and their inspiration to apply them on the job (Fitz-enz, 2000). The workforce of an organization is the human resource team acquired, deployed, and retained in the pursuit of organizational results such as market share profitability and customer satisfaction (Bowen, Ledford & Nathan, 1991). Staffing is the organizational role used to construct the organization’s workforce through staffing strategy, human resource recruitment and planning, selection, and retention. An organization’s greatest asset is the staff hence having the right recruitment and selection process is vital in ensuring that the newly acquired or incoming employee becomes effective or valuable in the shortest time possible. The success of an organization relies on having a definite number of employees with precise abilities and skills. Pizza hut being part of these organizations adopted a strategic staffing plan to ensure that it remains as much effective, profitable and responsible as possible.
Pizza hut has formulated a strategy with an expression of its overall mission or purpose, and established broad objectives and goals which will guide it towards the fulfillment of its mission. Underlying these goals are certain assumptions regarding the types and size of workforces which are required to be recruited, inducted, managed rewarded and retained. The HR strategy for Pizza hut represents how these workforce conventions will be undertaken. This strategy does not only flow from the overall strategy but also contribute directly in the formulation of the overall strategy of pizza hut (Pizza hut, 2007). The HR strategy seeks to align the recruitment, selection of work force with the overall strategy of pizza hut through the staffing strategy. The staffing
References: Bowen, D. E., Ledford, G. E., & Nathan, B. R. (1991). Hiring for the Organization and Not the Job. Academy of Management Executive, 5(4), pp. 35–51. Fitz-enz, J. (2000). The ROI of Human Capital. New York: Amacom. Kaufmann, P. J. (1987). Pizza Hut, Inc. Harvard Business School Cases, 1. Pizza hut (2007). Pizza Hut: Information pack. Retrieved April 23, 2013 from