( RTUC )
Department of Business Information Technology
Academic Year 2014-2015
Prepared by :MrBIKORIMANA M. Joseph
Kigali, January 2014
I. Basic Information about Instructor and course
Instructor:Mr BIKORIMANA M. Joseph
Degrees:MBA –Accounting and MBA-Management
Course c0de:Course Name: Principles of Management
Course period: 2014-2015Academic Hrs :42Hrs
II. Description of aims
This course of Principles of Management is designed to introduce students to the modern theories of business management and its basic theories and principles.
III. Learning outcomes
After completion of this unit, the students should be able to:
develop managerial skills, and knowledge necessary for analysis and interpreting managerial Issues.
State the functions of management and
Describe management by Objectives
IV. Teaching Methodology
The course will be conducted mainly by way of lectures, class discussions, Question- Answers Methodology, Power Point Presentations and demonstration, Self-directed study, Group works and explicit practical exercises.
V. Assessment pattern
Formative and summative assessments will be adopted as follows:
Class participation and attendance …...............10 %
Individual Assignments …………………..….......10%
CAT 01 & CAT 02/Group Works ……………....40%
Final Examination ……………………..…….......40%
VI. Course Outline
VII. Recommended Textbooks
1. Koontz H. and O’ Donnelly, C.( 2005 ) Essential of Management, 12th Edition, McGraw Hill Tokyo
2. Donnelly J.H et all (2001 ), Foundation of Management, Irwin, Illinois\
3. Drucker P.F.( 1988 ) Managing for results, Butterworth, London
End …/
1.1 Definition and Historic overview of Management
Major objective of treating “Principles of Management” in a concise, interesting, and