a) It must be a situation that impossible for the agent to get the principal’s instructions in carrying out such action.
b) The agent’s action is necessary, to protect the principal from loss of the respective goods committed to his charges.
c) The agent of necessary has acted in a good faith. In Great Northern Railway Co. V Swaffield, the defendant entrusted the plaintiff, railway company to carry his horse to its destination. However, there was no one to receive the horse at the railway station and the station master could not get any instruction from the defendant at the time, the plaintiff sent the horse to stable as alternative and claimed the charges for the stable. The court held that the defendant must pay for the charges for stable since plaintiff have had no choice but to arrange proper care for the horse on behalf the defendant. The plaintiff was an agent of necessity by fulfilling the three conditions stated above. In the case of Freeze Bhd. (FB) and Nice to Eat Restaurant (NER), FB was entrusted by NER to deliver the frozen seafood to its destination but NER has been closed for one week. Thus, no one receive the container of frozen seafood and FB’s driver could not get any instruction of any NER’s