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What to expect in an interview
Every year there is rise in demand for jobs, people are striving for better qualifications, and at the same time less jobs are becoming available. Go back 20 years and you will find that graduates were going straight into their job they had studied for 4 years to do, but that unwritten guarantee is no longer a given in today’s world of employment. The competition for jobs is gaining, over the past 10 years the percentage of employment-to-population ratio has dropped by 3%, because of the increase in population, without the increase in jobs.
When a company is advertising a for a job vacancy they need to consider how they are going to advertise in order to attract the right type if people for the job role that is being offered. In my case, I heard about the job opening through a friend, which is also a way of an organization getting applicants, as existing employees can vouch for their work ethic and motivation. It is also very useful for you, going into a new job, if there is familiar face around on your first day. Some smaller companies may not wish to hire someone from outside the company, and so they can use internal sourcing to fill a job vacancy, this may come in the form of a promotion, or it may be moving a worker to a different department. Usually a company can increase motivation within the workplace by announcing the opportunity of a promotion, which itself is a benefit to the company. For short term jobs there a company can also go to a recruitment agency, where they have a list of people waiting and willing to work on short notice to fill a gap.
There are a number of reasons that a company has a job opening, maybe their demand has increased; they could be expanding; a previous employee has quite or retired; it may even be possible that they want to use a new employee to boost morale in the workplace. A bubbly and friendly employee can do wonders for a dim and bored workforce. Basically, don’t