
Business Modelling

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Business Modelling
Business Modelling for Decision Making
Version 1.0

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Business Modelling for Decision Making

How to use this workbook Unit 1 Decision Tree Analysis
Introduction Basic probability Decision trees Summary Appendix 1 1 5 24 25

Unit 2 Discrete Simulation
Introduction The Simulation Process Summary Appendix – Pivot Tables 29 29 63 64

Unit 3 Linear Programming
Introduction Worked Example Summary 65 72 86

Unit 4 Optimisation
Introduction Linear Equations Non Linear Equations Summary 89 89 91 130

University of Sunderland

Unit 5 Basic Forecasting Techniques
Introduction Summary 131 155

Unit 6 Inventory Control
Introduction Types of Stock Just-in-time (JIT) 157 157 181

Unit 7 Sampling Theory and Statistical Inference
Introduction Hypothesis Testing Two Tailed Tests Hypothesis Tests of the Population Proportion (p) Confidence Intervals Chi Squared Test Summary

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