• A need • The means to fulfil the need • A method to apply the means to fulfil the need and; • A method to benefit
With any one of the elements missing, a business opportunity may be developed, by finding the missing element. The more unique the combination of the elements, the more unique the business opportunity, the more control an institution (or individual) has over the elements, the better they are positioned to exploit the opportunity and become a niche market leader.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is an independent agency of the United States government, established in 1914 by the Federal Trade Commission Act. Its principal mission is the promotion of consumer protection and the elimination and prevention of anti-competitive business practices, such as coercive monopoly.
Types of business opportunities
FTC describes the most common types of business opportunity ventures as follows:
• Distributorship Refers to an independent agent that has entered into an agreement to offer and sell the product of another but is not entitled to use the manufacturer's trade name as part of its trade name. Depending on the agreement, the distributor may be limited to selling only that company's goods or it may have the freedom to market several different product lines or services from various firms. • Rack jobber It involves the selling of another company's products through a distribution system of racks in a variety of stores that are serviced by the rack jobber. Typically, the agent or buyer enters into an agreement with the parent company to market their goods to various