For any kind of organization to run smoothly, it needs to implement core management concepts. This necessitates that the four management functions - planning, organizing, directing and controlling be precisely understood. This article is aimed at providing a brief overview of the same.
Any organization, whether new or old, small or big, requires certain methods, procedures and plans in place for its efficient functioning. For this to happen, they must develop and implement management concepts which help them implement their vision for the future of the organization.
➤ Planning
➤ Organizing
➤ Directing/Leading
➤ Controlling
➤ Staffing - The Fifth Function
The concept of functions of management was put forth by Henri Fayol, a management theorist from France, influential in proposing many of the management concepts in use today. Originally, he had proposed five management functions; namely, planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Modern texts have reduced the functions from five to four. They include planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The four concepts of management, translated into functions lead to the creation of a cohesive organization. They can be seen here as a diagram. It is interesting to note that there is no hard and fast rule to be followed in the application of these functions, as management is a real-time decision-making system, any of these functions can be operational in conjunction with any other and also as independent entities themselves.
Four Functions
Planning is the foundation pillar of management. It is the base upon which all other areas of management are built. Planning requires administration to assess where the company presently is and where it would be in the coming years. From there, an appropriate course of action is determined and implemented to attain the company's goals and objectives.
Planning is