1 The Business 1a) The business idea 1b) The Product range 1c) Merits of the idea 1d) Business objectives
2 Market Analyses 2a) At the macro level 2b) At the micro level 2c) The market response to the idea 2d) Target market/ market opportunities 2e) The competition
3 Marketing 3a) Marketing policy 3b) Marketing policy 3c) Selling activities
4 Production 4a) The logistics 4b) Production capacity 4c) Suppliers 4d) Contingency 4e) Health regulations
5 Ownership 5a) Structure 5b) Employees
6 Finance
6a) Projected Profit and Loss account for the first two years
6b) Break Even Analysis
6c) Cash Flow forecast – Assumptions
6d) Cash flow forecast for the first year’s trading
7 Resourcing
7a) Resources Available
7b) Resources needed
The Business – to deliver basically sandwiches and rolls directly to people at their workplace and to wholesale to outlets such as petrol stations.
The proposal seeks to take advantage of an unexploited gap in the market with the relatively new concept of food delivery, which can be seen to work well elsewhere. The business requires relatively little capital, overheads are minimal, and the margins and cash flow are good with increasing econonomies of scale.
The market – generally more people are eating just a snack at lunch time and sandwiches fill this gap be being cheap and nutritious.
The Bicester area is relatively prosperous and has a growing light industrial and service sector.
Market response to the business idea was excellent and most potential was identified on the industrial estates and with the garages because of the lack of competition due to their geographic isolation and denser concentration of customers.
The main competition identified was home packed lunches and sandwich outlets in the town centre.
Production – to maximise selling time, sandwiches will be prepared in the evening and delivery will commence at 8.00am.
Ownership – sole