Business Process Management
1. BPM and Strategy According to the overview of Tim’s Dynometers Pty Ltd, it shows the decline of profits from 2009 to 2010. It is due to the wrong track management and Tim should implement the alternative method which is Business Process Management (BPM). BPM has been widely recognized by many companies (Rhee, Cho& Bae 2010) and Chib and Cheong (2009)said that the companies running business with BPM approach are more likely to be successful up to 90%. Fortunately, it is not difficult to cope with in terms of implementation and modification. Thus, BPM should be adopted in Tom’s company. Business Process Management (BPM) is a suggestion to improve agility and operational performance for the success. BPM framework includes employing methods, policies, metrics, management practices and software system which control process in organization (Aufait, 2009). Moreover, the investigation from Global In dusty Analyst found that BPM adoption of tools can helps firm to improve making decision in complex problems, develop strategy and increase human cooperation (IFO-MGMT, 2011). The BPM strategies empower companies to align their internal process so that they can reflect on the more values for the external customers and better meet customers’ needs (Ebizq, 2010). Customer’s responsiveness is the most valuable aspect for the company’s sustainability. Antonucci & Richard (2009) states that the BPM approach accept the company to use developed position for high performance. It is sure that the BPM can build the innovative structure which suits for Tim’s business and help them to increase workflow.Besides, the BPM approach links to value proposition which is the concept of continuous development for business (Rudden 2007). In addition, the value chains is the process of company management in each activities as well as design, produce, market, deliver, and support a product line ( Harmon 2007, P.3). In these contexts, BPM approach are adequate to analyze
References: Aufait, 2009, Exploring the new perspective of business process improvement
,Business Process Management Practice, [online] Available at:< >, viewed 22 December 2011.
'BPM Becoming Key to Global IT Strategy ' 2011, Information Management (1521-2912), 21, 3, p. 8, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 22 December 2011.