A Study on Banglalion Customer Care Service in Khulna Region.
A report
Customer Satisfaction in Relation to Customers’ Perceptions and Expectations of Service Quality Attributes: A Study on Banglalion Customer Care Service in Khulna Region.
Course: Service Marketing
Course Code: MKT-4203
Submitted to
Sharif Mohammad Khan
Associate Professor
Business Administration Discipline
Khulna University, Khulna.
Submitted By
Ashiqur Rahman Sami : 09 03 18
Sk. Farhan Uddin : 09 03 23
4th Year, 1st Term
Business Administration Discipline
Khulna University, Khulna
Letter of Transmittal
September 22, 2012
Sharif Mohammad Khan
Associate Professor
Khulna University, Khulna.
Here we have the pleasure to present a report on ‘Customer Satisfaction in Relation to Customers’ Perceptions and Expectations of Service Quality Attributes: A Study on Banglalion Customer Care Service in Khulna Region’. We are absolutely delighted while getting the opportunity to go through different articles and reports, learn about those. We have devoted our best efforts to make the report a best one and up to the satisfactory level. We will remain ever grateful to you for rendering us the opportunity of working in such a dynamic field. If you need any additional information regarding this report, we will be right before you for necessary interpretation and defense.
Unconditional thank to you.
(Ashiqur Rahman Sami : 090318)
__________________________________ (Sk. Farhan Uddin : 090323)
Our passion to prepare a report related to service marketing and customer satisfaction comes true when we got the topic. This dimensional topic gave us immense pleasure.
At the very outset we would like to thank my honorable course teacher, Mr. Sharif Mohammad Khan, Associate Professor, Khulna