TO: JJJ Company
FROM: Riordan Manufacturing
DATE: September5, 2012
RE: JJJ Company to complete the Due Diligence to complete by- Setember5, 2012- For any transaction takes place. As a result to the investigation of the proposed acquisition, Riordan Manufacturing needs more information from the company to make a firm decision on behalf of the company. Please provide us with the information stated below. Please note this memorandum is designed so you can indicate your response on the form, in substantial time frame. Accordingly, please check all appropriate boxes to the right that apply to you as indicated in the request make sure to indicate whether the boxes is applicable or not applicable and relevant documents or explanation is enclosed.
To make sure your response item satisfies the responses request in other items, please so states. Unless something else different is stated, please enclose all requested information for your company and all of its subsidiaries. Make sure that all documents are completed and sign on the last page as indicated in the request and return a copy with the memorandum to Riordan Manufacturing, along with the applicable documents.
When sending the documents to the company makes sure to retain a copy to help facilitate the preparation of the schedules to the definitive purchase agreement. All information that is provided will be treated with confidential.
This request only pertains to the matter that relates to the transaction. I Kimberly Cobbs as the accounting-peer of Riordan Manufacturing am available to discuss any questions at any time or contact the company accounting manager Beth if you have any question or concerns to this matter to help facilitate the process. Please send the requested information as soon as possible. 1.) Corporate Matters 2.) Financial Statement 3.) Taxes/Government Report and