Judy Sweet
October 29, 2012
Jerry Weyand
Business research Process
There are many things that a new business must consider before choosing to open. Research is the first step to this process. To achieve good research the scientific method should be followe d. These steps are, purpose clearly defined, research process detailed, research design thoroughly planned, high ethical standards applied, limitations frankly revealed, adequate analysis for decision maker’s needs, fi ndings presented unambiguously, conclusions justified, and researcher’s experience reflected.
All of these proces s are important for a business, though many small new businesses have failed to follow these steps in their own way they have done research without realizing it. One such case is with the new second hand store that was opened by this writer’s spouse. The spouse discussed the process of the opening of the store without doing the scientific research . What was discussed was where the store was to open , the cost involved, the time it took to complete the process of setting up the store. The other steps that were taken were the discussion of the rules the store would set for the vendors that would be allowed to setup and displace their items for sale. Also discussed was how the store was to be operated. The spouse felt that because he had been in the business for many years and knew the market and location of the building no research was required. Though this writer did check into the vendors that were to step up, that is they were checked for credit worthiness.
Buy reading the textbook it was learned that the steps to follow for researching a new business or one that is already open should have been followed. Though it must be noted that the store the spouse opened i s now into its third year and seems to be doing ok, but farther research will be required to verify this data.
Business Research Methods 11 (Cooper, 2011)
References: Business Research Methods 11 (Cooper, 2011)