Course: MBA Master in Business Administration
Module: Business Strategy
Module Code: MS70076E
Student No: 21249209
F.A.O: Vladan Hadzic
Word Count: 2335.
Date: 16th May 2014
Exclusive summary
1. Introduction
1.1. H&M Company Profile:
2. Value Chain
3. Financial Analysis
4. Culture
5. Strength and Weakness
6. TOWS Matrix and Strategies
7. Ansoff Matrix
8. Suitability
9. Feasibility
10. Acceptability
11. Conclusion.
12. Appendices
13. Bibliography.
Exclusive summary:
This report analysis the strategic capabilities (resources and competences) of the H&M by using the strategic tools value chain, core competences and identify the strength and weakness of firm. It discusses the company financial position and their cultures. It also use TOWS matrix to recommend the strategies and use Ansoff matrix for method and direction. It also access or evaluate those strategies by using the Suitability, Feasibility, and Acceptability.
1. Introduction: This report investigates the H&M strategic capabilities (value chain, resource audit and core competences). Accounting ratios are used for financial position which helps to comparison with rivals. TOWS matrix will help in recommendation of future strategies and SFA criteria evaluate the strategies. Ansoff model is used for the new direction and method to the recommendation.
1.1. H&M Company Profile: H&M was established in 1947 by Erling Persson in small town Västerås in Sweden. Its first was called Hennes, Swedish for “hers” selling only women’s clothing. In 1964, the first store outside Sweden opens in Norway. In 1968, E. Persson acquired property and stock of hunting equipment shop named Mauritz Widfoss in Stockholm. Inventory of men’s
Bibliography: H&M works hard on sustainability matter, including ethics and human rights, and works on a daily basis to offer sustainable collection customers. (THOMASSON, 2014) .