If there was a strong argument either way on how to handle the game, typically the majority ruled. When we broke away from using green materials, there was a strong argument from one member, so we all agreed to go in that direction. Another time when we decided to move away from our original strategy of having the best product at the lowest cost, some teammates did their homework on how to get better scores and made their argument for us to choose. Once all arguments were made and the numbers were projected, we chose what looked like the best option for our …show more content…
When it came to making our team shine, we had to make decision together and live with them. Even if it meant making a choice that someone was not on board with one hundred percent. I had to make sure my schedule and life stayed flexible to meet the needs of all my co-managers. During some points in the game, it was best to take the advice from some of my co-managers rather than running with my own ideas and thoughts. At other points, especially the three year strategic plan, it was best for me to step up as the leader and give writing pointers to my co-managers. These lessons can be applied to my role in the military by learning how to handle both my subordinates and my leaders. Working well