China World Buz
Student Name: Pan JingWei
Student ID: 13404709
Brief history
CHINAWORLDBUZ CO.,LTD, generally called CWB, was founded in 2012 by 6 college students in Shanghai, China. CWB is founded as an electronic business company devoted to connecting small business owner in Africa and substantial Chinese manufacturers. The ownership structure of CWB is Sino-foreign joint venture. After five months’ preparation, the was online officially in August 2012. In the same year October, Mr. Wang FengZhai, the primary founder of CWB, grouped six college students, with 4 Chinese and two Tanzania students, to register the company. Due to lack of initial fund, the company was registered in Hong Kong because of the low register fee. After the tough beginning, mainly because of lacking experience, Wang and other founders reorganized the company and team in generating business. In 2014, Wang acquire two major investment both from entrepreneurs in Wen Zhou, where is full of wealthy people in China. In the same year, CWB finally made the first visit to Tanzania establishing the Tanzania office and conducting promotion.
Current Strategy
For the beginning of CWB, the primary strategy is substantial promotion. With the help of good relationship with Tanzania government, CWB possess relationship with more than ten news media agents and operated six introduction and marketing events. The whole process only took two months but the outcome is quite considerable.
After promotion, CWB selected target customers and kept track with them. The principal means is to dealing with the long-term cooperation relationship. The short-term strategy is to gathering our strengths and resources to negotiating with local enterprises, middle and large scale wholesalers for business intention. For instance, currently CWB is negotiating with a school for consecutive orders of school supplies like uniforms, school furniture, schoolbags and other education equipment. The primary intention of this order is to establish an operating model to train Tanzania employees to expand business to other schools in order to set up a long-term and steady customers base. Wang called this model as reproducible order strategy, especially for start up companies, to establish one order as model for guiding role in expanding more and more similar business. In addition to school, CWB also conducted a long-term contract with Mbeya City Soccer Club providing them sports goods. CWB also hired local employees to dig out potential customers in electronic products. On the other hand, in long-term strategy, with the help of local government, CWB started to get in touch with their large-scale electric power company, communication common company, in order to acquire future large size order and projects.
Major Issues
The first major issue is divergence inside team. One investor Mr Chan, who is a moderate businessman, has a willing to running electric products. Another investor is more willing to importing the mineral products to China from Tanzania, but unfortunately rejected by other founders since this goes beyond the current strategy since the company is not stable enough currently. The African partner has intention in small orders since lacking fund in initial period but was rejected by other co-founders since this is not beneficial to long-term development. However, Wang intended to develop online business after collecting large customer and supplier base for further development. In long-term perspective, on the condition that Tanzania is the stable market for CWB, continuing expansion in Africa is necessary and unavoidable approach. Since this big and future move, members in CWB have not concerned about that.
The second one is training issue. Although the company has hired employees in Tanzania, there are no Chinese managers over there. Therefore, it caused the low quality of management and service.
Besides, suppliers are also a concern of CWB. Due to the strong connection with government, the customers are available for them to acquire. However, Chinese suppliers are not familiar with Africa markets and have concern about making business with African people. Thus, getting enough suppliers is quite tough in the initial period.
The last one is expansion, CWB has strong connection with Tanzania government but however, they don’t have strong channel to other African countries. While CWB aims at doing online business rather than traditional trading business, which is more efficient and profitable, the entry into other countries seems be tough.
External Analysis
The rising exposure of Africa to China
In the past ten years, China has already become a major business and economic partner of SSA, abbreviation of sub-Sahara Africa. In SSA, China possess a great bilateral relationships with African governments. Chinese private-sector players including small business owner, multinationals, traders, migrants and local governments get involved and benefit from this layer of relationship. From the Figure 1, it could be found that a significant step have been made by both parties.
Bilateral Sino-Tanzania relationship
From report written by financial journalist Mzwandile Jacks, total investment from China to Tanzania soared from $700 million in 2011 to $1.2 billion in 2014. According to Imara Equity Research, bilateral trade between two countries has boosted over $2.5 billion by the end of 2012 while it also brought 150,000 direct jobs in Tanzania. A series of constructions have been projected under the cooperation between two countries. One of them is the construction of a giant harbor at Bagamoya, in which is located at the northwest of Dares Salaam, the capital of Tanzania. It is considered as the future biggest harbor in East Africa and could bear 20 times cargo more than Dares Salaam. The construction will be finished in 2007. Since China has a strong and promising relationship with Tanzania in trading and construction business, it could be assumed that the basic external environment is beneficial stably to the development of CWB.
Danger in Tanzania
Conducting business in Tanzania is relatively dangerous than making money in other developed countries. Through the interview with Mr. Wang Fengzhai, it could be concluded that three points that attribute to dangerous business and life environment. The first one is wild animal. Tanzania has a large area of natural scenery, one of which is famous Great Migration, which brought uncertainty in transportation. Although some places are regulated as theme parks, with the development of economy, the management in most African countries is relatively weak. The second one is poor payment system. Tanzania does not possess highly recognized payment system like pay pal. The instability in payment has become concerns of Chinese suppliers and trading companies. The third one is Tanzania police. Unlike developed countries, the police officers are satirized “official robbery“. Equipped with AK47, police officers make up reasons to intercept any car for money if they want, which bring risk to businessmen, especially Chinese.
The World Bank and IFC 2006 Enterprise Survey indicated 20% of business reckoned corruption is the largest constraints to business operation in Tanzania, although this data was 51% in 2003. The corruption was mainly demonstrated in “relationship” that government tended to bring benefit to business persons they know without any criterion, which is similar to Chinese “guanxi“ culture.
Five forces analysis
First, the new entry threat is quite low for trading company conducting Sino-Tanzania business. As mentioned, three kinds of danger restrict the entry to Tanzania and other African countries. Besides, strong relationship with Tanzania government is basic requirement in Tanzania business area.
Secondly, bargain power of both suppliers and buyers are high. Since CWB is currently in the beginning period and still unfamiliar with transportation, customs clearance and other part of business. Lack of experience and knowledge cause weakness in pricing. On the other hand, supplier is also the major concern of CWB, since a large part of suppliers are not familiar with Sino-African trade. Persuading suppliers put trust in cooperation is costly and tough. Lowing the price at the beginning is relatively a good choice.
Thirdly, SNOM GLOBA TRADE CO.,LTD, one of primary competitors for CWB, is jointly set up by thee Tanzanians with work experience in China. The primary business is similar to large scale on-behalf purchasing. The suppliers are mainly from YiWu, which is famous for small ware. Therefore this company has obvious differentiation to CWB. Since CWB is run as the traditional trading company but will conducting online B to B trading platform in the future which is rare currently in Tanzania, it could be believed that the competitive rivalry in industry is low both in short term and long term.
Lastly, the threat of substitute is moderate. Large-scale wholesalers in Dares Salaam could be considered as substitute.. Customers and middle-scale wholesalers procure products directly from them with higher price than from CWB but the process is quicker, which means both of them have their advantages comparing to the other.
From the five forces analysis, it could be found out the bargain power of suppliers is the most relevant to CWB’s performance because it is quite costly to manage relationship with suppliers in China and seize the trust from them.
Internal Analysis
Core competency
CWB also possesses their core competency, which is rare, valuable and hard to imitate. The first core competency is strong marketing strength, which mainly suggest in the strength and channel of promotion. As mentioned, CWB have a grasp of relationship with more than ten news presses in Tanzania. This resource derived from two African co-founders’ families and their influence to Tanzania government.
The initial promotion is incredibly substantial. Justin’s phone keeps ringing all day long and averagely we got one phone call from potential customers every four minutes. When we wandering around the local street, one senior citizen came to us and shook hands with one of our investors and said he saw the news and knew him. This is absolutely not exaggerating.
Wang FengZhai
Co-funder of ChinaWorldBuz
The second core competency also comes from “special relationship“ with Tanzania government, which is strong multi-business strength in Tanzania. Strong connection brings more connection with other industry in Tanzania, especially in travel, paying system, entertainment and other booming industry in this super booming country. For long-term perspective, it is very beneficial for CWB in doing corporate-level strategy.
Competitive Advantage
Comparing to other competitors, CWB has specialty in attracting customers. The price of products from CWB has low price advantages, which comes from reasons such as, small amount of employees, simple organizational structure, smooth and low-cost channel in sales and promotion. In summary, the low price in CWB is based on it low cost operation and small size organization. But however, lack of training in Tanzania office leads to weak sales capability, high order faulty rate, which cause more investment on human resource management. From long-term perspective, CWB would have to increase the price to cover the cost. Therefore, it could be assumed that low price advantages may not be sustainable. Besides, even CWB has core competency of promotion in Tanzania, it is quite challenging to transfer the promotion to profitability, based on lack of money, weak sales force, hard negotiation with suppliers, poor training system in company and the poor organization structure. In conclusion, the core competency and competitive advantages CWB currently possesses could be regarded as a waste unless they operating strategies in dealing with organization structure.
Business-level Strategy Analysis
As mentioned in current strategies analysis, the main measurement CWB is taking could be concluded into two ways. The first way is establishing pattern orders like making business with school or football team while the other way is utilizing strong relationship with news press in promotion. Pattern orders could save time and cost in operation plan, training, negotiation, while utilizing relationship to build promotion strength is the most effective and efficient way to acquire customer base. While on the other hand, choosing Tanzania and even whole African market is an approach of saving cost based on high performance. Africa is a booming market and regarded as the “next big thing”. From the report of “Seizing Africa’s Retail Opportunities”, it claimed that the high potential of Africa market for retailers, who could be a strong connection with the development of CWB. The population of Sub-Saharan African is nearing 900 million population and mobile phones and Internet are used increasingly popularly. What’s worth noticing is urbanizing rate of 3.61 percent, which is faster than other region all over the world. The overall GDP growth has almost reached 6%. Seven of Sub-Saharan African Countries including Tanzania was ranked in 10 fastest-growing countries in economy. Increasing demand in western brands, product and lifestyle emerges in this unknown territory. But, however, its GDP and other economic strength is still low comparing to other developed countries. Hence, the cost of making business is relatively low. From the interview with Wang, setting up an office and a exhibition hall for product show only cost CWB 100,000 RMB including the business trip and field visit fee happening in initial procedure. Comparing to other market like North America, Europe, Japan where most trading companies get involved, generating trading business in African possesses high cost performance with full of risks. In conclusion, strategies CWB is capitalizing in business-level are mainly competing on cost. Although choosing African market is kind of differentiator’s action, the booming prosperity in Africa is happening, which could bring more and diversified investment to reducing the differentiation. On the other hand, pattern models determined company is not focusing on niche market, since patterns could be established based on different kinds of products. From the beginning of company, the principal of choosing products is accepting every product unless it makes profit. Therefore, based on analysis above, CWB is totally focusing on cost saving rather than differentiator. What also should be mentioned is profit-oriented determined CWB is not temporarily accepting orders proposed from small-sized retailers and factories.
To evaluate the appropriateness of CWB’s business-level strategies, standards could be based on the analysis of business environment. As external analysis mentioned, the bargain power of both suppliers and buyers are relatively high but however low competitiveness in this industry. Hence, differentiation would be less effectiveness than cost leadership strategy. Trying to save cost facing the high bargain power from both sides could be considered as better choice. Although actions CWB is taking right now is kind of relieve of lacking money, it still could not help CWB deal with low profit they are facing and does not provide obvious advantages in long-term development. Hence, enlarging the effectiveness of saving cost while put eyes on long-term effect could be regarded as a next move of CWB.
Corporate-level Strategy Analysis
In corporate level, CWB mainly operate the single business, and its trading business between Africa and China accounts more than 95% of revenue. Therefore, it could be assumed that the business should be classified to single business and low-level diversification. Although Wang Fengzhai, the founder of CWB, planned to do B2C business between African and Chinese supplier and Chinese suppliers would mainly focus on overseas students in China, especially Shanghai. This plan would be highly profitable because the increasing number of overseas students in Shanghai and they tend to do small business. From the statistic of international students in China conducted by China Association for International Education, the total amount of international students in China increased by 28,169 people, which is equal to increase of 8.58% comparing to the previous year. But unfortunately, because of the initial period all the main business are not mature enough. CWB wanted to focus on B2B business so they decided to give up this part of business which could connect the main business and come up with synergy that they could share the transportation, developing new suppliers in the future online business.
To evaluate the corporate-level strategies, it could be based on the profitability and cost saving as standards. Operating a single business is quite wise for a start-up company to make sure the stability. But however, CWB could also stepped into other industry, which could help the main business with the function of saving cost. Besides, based on the analysis, it could tell the development of promotion already get fast but the human resource and efficiency in suppliers could not catch up the speed in marketing. What’s more the three risks in Tanzania and even African business could also be dealt with by penetrating in other industry. Therefore, it could be assumed that slight move in corporate-level strategies could help CWB in reducing cost and lowering risks.
Other Current Strategies Analysis HRM Issues
On account of multi-national business operated by CWB, human resource management is especially vital for the company to consider about. Overall human resource management strategies could be separated into China office and African office. In China side, reducing conflict between employees is the main objective. Since CWB is a ten-people team, working together without conflict makes teamwork perfect. But unfortunately, it is almost impossible for a team to keep harmony during the whole process. Hence, CWB arranges a special team meeting to deal with the problem. It is called “Friday night meeting”, CWB holds the regular meeting every Friday night for one hour. All members will sit as a circle and shut the light down. Everyone will be forced to talk about the issue and problem happening on one person. After executing the regular team, the conflicts and problems between employees get reduced obviously. The effectiveness of reducing conflicts among small-sized team is substantial and satisfied by CWB. Nevertheless, regular team still cannot eliminate the human resource management problem in China office. Because CWB started in college student dormitory in Shanghai Finance University and all the co-founders are college students without any work experience. Although Wang is also a student, he concerned some members in the team cannot catch up the whole crew’s pace because of lacking experience and unstable mentality. Therefore, what he actually intended to do is to let unsuitable members leave. Although the process is cruel, it is regarded as an approach to benefit the future development. In African side, the situation is even worse. Employees in Africa are local people and there is no Chinese member as manager over there. Therefore, the inconvenience in negotiation is obvious and decreases the efficiency of sales. CWB does not have a prepared training system according to African office. Instead, Wang and other co-founder would take time to fly to Tanzania for business visit to customers, which is very costly and time-consuming. In conclusion, regular team meeting is effective in short-tem but only specialized in small-sized team and not a good choice in long-term human resource management. Downsizing could be regarded as a relief but not wise and will cause disharmony inside team. Lacking training system increased the cost and time to expand business and could be fatal to multi-national business.
Original Strategy Recommendations
In business level, resulted from limitation and development of both company and Tanzania, strategies analysis could be classified into two types according to short term and long term and both of them are based on cost saving.
Building efficient scale facilities
Although one of the founders in CWB proposed to take small orders because of lacking money, the proposal got refused since the confusing positioning will be harmful in long-term development. What’s more, small orders includes facilities purchased by small-size factory, which have an extremely low reorder rate. Another aspect of small order is retailer who only wants low quantity because too much quantity exists high risk for them and normally the quantity for retailers is lower than MOQ, which means minimum order quantity, which result in rejection by most of factories. Besides, retailers want low price and short lead times. For CWB, that would be considered as a barrier to make deal with retailers because of low cost performance.
But however, taking small orders also has positive aspect. Firstly, African manufacturing industry is improving, although it is still a large net importer since imports are more than three times higher. But however, from African Economic Report, South Africa, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt are Africa’s largest exporters of manufactured goods and account for about 80% of exports to Europe. The overall export in Africa is rising up while African export has increased from 17% in 2005 to 24% in 2010. As report shown, the Africa’s economic integration is improving. Despite Tanzania is still considered as a relatively weak country in Africa, the future scenario of manufacturing could be assumed as potential opportunity. From the report “The 2014 African Retail Development Index” by ATKearney, Sub-African countries were ranked according to ARDI (African Retailer Development Index) and Tanzania was ranked 4th. Therefore, making deal with small-sized factories could be regarded as a measure of building relationship and future business, which is beneficial in future business in import. Secondly, capital shortage is a barrier in further development. Making move without funding support is challenging CWB in both customers and suppliers side. Hence, taking orders from small-sized factory and retailer is also worthy considering.
In all, cost leadership strategy for CWB could be based on building efficient scale facilities for small-sized factories and retailers while satisfying Chinese suppliers’ MOQ and shortening lead time as few as possible.
The first strategy is building a retailers association that assembling all of the retailers in Africa and gather them as a big integral retailer. As analysis mentioned, Tanzania has low GDP per capita level implies that retailers should focus more on basic goods if they want to make profit. The basic goods include food, beverages, low-cost beers, and household essentials. Business Monitor International expects grocery retail sales to increase by 30.1% in the next few years. Therefore, CWB could assemble these small-sized retailers specialized in these basic goods into an alliance. The management should be under the government department in commerce and trade. Extracting tax as commission from the deal could support management activity generated by government. In this case, a large and stable scale of retailer demand would be generated to meet the MOQ of Chinese suppliers. Besides, with a larger quantity, delivery would be faster and convenient since it doesn’t have to share a container with other order in small quantity situation. Since retailers want lead time as short as possible while basic good like food and beverage cannot stay fresh in a long lead time, JIT system could be transferred in this situation. But however, it is quite hard to implement JIT system, so a perfect schedule according to different retailers would be a wise choice. Retailers would be classified according to their regular ROP and association will design a schedule customizing and classifying everyone. Computer system would also be established for association noticing when they are going to supply retailers. Under this digital system, suppliers don’t have to order by themselves and their inventory information will be directly shown in association’s computer. Therefore, association with JIT and digital system could be designed to build an efficient scale in reducing cost while making profit.
In long term, Internet business would be a better choice in gathering these small-sized factories and retailers. Since CWB already put online, it still cannot completely penetrate into Tanzania market. But from the statistic of Internet user of population sourced from World Bank, it still keeps drastically increasing trend in Tanzania while its current number is 13.1% of the whole population and the number was 0.9% in 2004. Therefore, the future potential of e-commerce seems positive. With e-commerce, retailers and small-sized factories could be assembled more easily at an even lower cost.
In corporate level, although CWB lack of fund in initial period, it could still try to get into other industry under the government support. As mentioned, the retailing industry is quite booming according to ARDI index in Tanzania. CWB could penetrate into retailing industry in Tanzania to reach the up-to-down corporate integration. With the help of government, setting up a retailing store cost less, which brings benefit to CWB. The location could be chosen in Dares Salaam, the capital of Tanzania. Set up a new store would be effective in generating synergy. The benefit to CWB is finding a way of dealing with unstable relationship between supply and demand. As analysis mentioned, the supplier is quite conscious of the African market. Building own-stated retailing store brings more effectiveness of introducing African market to suppliers for future constant development. Besides, retailing store also helps establish B2B marketing plan to promote products to small business owners. What’s more, self-owned stores could start building CWB’s own brand and set up brand image for future business.
In long-term, after utilizing the online shopping, CWB could also penetrate into the payment system business in Tanzania, since there is no mature and prepared payment system in Tanzania. In Tanzania, people mainly use mobile phone to doing payment. Specifically speaking, people will dial number and input account number and other information to pay the bill. This payment system could not reveal vital information on the screen, which brings extensive risk to both buyer and seller. Without technology and human knowledge, it is difficult to execute a prepared payment system in Tanzania right now. Bringing safety in CWB online system is almost equal to increase one brilliant core competency in industry. CWB could design an online payment system for bringing convenience and reliability for its customers and increase customers’ satisfaction. Imitating “Zhi Fu Bao“, Chinese version of PayPal, could bring high profit and brings CWB’s main business more synergies that reducing high risks in Tanzania online trading business. Once payment system is built, it would also be reasonable for CWB to start their online B2C business in long-term aspect based on its retailing stores as mentioned. Overall, CWB could execute horizontal and integrated corporate-level strategies in both short-term and long-term perspective by establishing retailing, online payment and online B2C business. These moves could be regarded as relatively diversified and low cost in bringing synergies into several business units.
As mentioned, CWB has serious issue in training program in Tanzania, which increased difficulty in sales force. An integrated human resource management system could be applied in CWB in dealing with shortage of human resource management in Tanzania office. Integrating e-training system and multi-national training system would be a wise choice. Web-training system could be an increasing trend in recent years. From the report “Online Training in An Online World” written by Curtis J.Bonk from Indiana University, the percentage of outsourcing e-training for companies has already reached 54%. E-training could provide CWB low-cost and convenient training system, which does not require core members in Shanghai to fly to Tanzania for training the salespersons in Africa. CWB could outsource their training to e-training company like e-training world. Although whether the e-training system would be effective in Tanzania does not have measures to prove, it still could be regarded as a good choice for CWB in short-term.
The other system, based on e-training, could select elite employees in Tanzania and bring them to Shanghai for core training. This measurement could enhance the cultural understanding and try to bring synergy from cultural communication. This training system could ensure the quality and transfer correctly the intension of management level. Taking staff from Tanzania to China is costly for a start-up company but this cost less than frequent flights from China to Tanzania. After all, based on current situation CWB has, this training system still had better be implemented for a small part of employees in Tanzania.
Although CWB is a start-up company, it would be already amazing and bravery for a young college student to seize the precious opportunity. Wang, an extraordinary college student in China, seized this relationship as a precious opportunity based on one of Chinese culture “guanxi“. It could be expected that the following result could happen on the condition of implementing several recommendation as mentioned above. Firstly, it would relieve the shortage of fund. Since it is quite difficult to absorb another investment in short time because the risk of Sino-Africa business and interest of current investors, the lack of fund brings a barrier to future development and implementing business strategies. By integrating small-sized factories and retailer, CWB could apply business-level strategies to relieve the problem. A series of online strategies including e-training system at least would decrease the cost in business. Secondly, it would enhance the core competency inside CWB by establishing payment system. As mentioned, the payment system brings safety in payment, which could never be seen in Tanzania. This action actually gave people a reason to choose CWB rather than the competitors. Thirdly, it could enhance the sales force in Tanzania by introducing integrated training system, which costs less but could be consider effective in international business. Last but not least, in long-term perception, recommendations could also consolidate the Tanzania basis for development in other countries in Africa.
Since the overall recommendations are based on cost leadership concept, which could reduce cost from CWB. It is obvious for CWB to take over this plan because strategies reducing cost would be considered vital in dealing with strong bargain power from both sides. Nevertheless, for Wang Feng Zhai, it would be essential to build relationship with Chinese suppliers as soon as possible because this is surviving actions in avoiding conflicts happen inside board which is always an unstable factor in international business.
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