Auburn University at Montgomery
Fall 2013 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Instructor: Mahmoud Darrat
Office: Clement Hall 319 E
Office Hours: TR 2-6 pm
Phone: 244-3215 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Course Objective:
Cornerstone is an introduction to the functional areas of business, including business math. It includes a study of the business environment including economics and banking, ethics in business, the global economy, forms of business ownership, management practices, technology concerns, production and operations, marketing tools, and financial management practices found within the common business. This class is open to all AUM students regardless of major.
Course Methods:
Cornerstone of Business is a participatory course utilizing interactive team assignments, videos, discussions, projects, readings, oral presentations and guest speakers. Over the semester there will be multiple quizzes, a comprehensive final exam, as well as research and writing assignments. Students are responsible for reading course materials prior to class in order to participate in the discussion as well as be prepared to take the quiz assessment when given.
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the successful student should:
1. Have a basic understanding of the business environment.
2. Be able to compute basic business math.
3. Understand how to both research and present findings on a business industry as demonstrated through written and oral presentations on a team project.
4. Have a basic understanding of the business career opportunities available to business majors.
School of Business Learning Goals:
The Auburn University at Montgomery School of Business has